Contract management certificeringsuddannelser – nu på engelsk

Som de første i Norden tilbyder Nordic School of Contract & Commercial Management en international IACCM-certificeret uddannelse.

Vi har oplevet, at efterspørgslen på engelsksprogede forløb har været stigende blandt vores deltagere. Hvis du som professionel har kendskab til personer, som vil profitere af en international certificeringsuddannelse, må du meget gerne videresende dette følgende link: CCM Practitioner Fast Track English edition

Om uddannelsen

CCM Practitioner er det første skridt i IACCM’s flagskib af certificeringer. Gennem uddannelsen vil du opnå redskaber, som hjælper dig til at forstå og ibrugtage de vigtigste principper og teknikker bag contract management.

Uddannelsen løber over 2  måneder, inklusiv 4 uddannelsesdage udført af ledende eksperter og udøvere inden for contract management.


Certified contract management educations available in English

As the first organization in the Nordic countries, the NSCCM now offers international educations certified by the IACCM.

In recent years, we have experienced that educations in English have been in high demand amongst our participants. If you know people who would profit from an international education in contract management, you are very welcome to share this link.

About the education

The CCM Practitioner education is the first step in IACCM’s flagship of certifications. Through the education you will obtain skills enabling you to understand the main principles and techniques of contract management.

The education has a duration of approximately 2 months, including 4 days of education conducted by the leading experts and practitioners in the contract management field.

Read about the CCM Practitioner Fast Track English edition.

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Did you know that...

companies that introduce contract management often get higher value on Stock exchanges? They are sold at a higher price, as the value and risks of the contracts are known exactly - therefore buyers and investors dare to pay more.