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Privacy policy

NSCCM Privacy Policy

NSCCM collects information about users and their visits using so-called cookies or when the user themselves provide the information on


NSCCM is committed to protecting and respecting users' privacy. The following outlines NSCCM's privacy policy. Every user of should read the privacy policy carefully.


If the user chooses to make purchases on, some or all of the personal information listed below is collected. Information about the user that can be collected and processed:

- Full name
- Email address
- Phone number
- Address
- Gender
- Payment information, including card type, number, expiration date, and registered address
- All other information that the user provides during any use of NSCCM
- Information that the user provides when contacting NSCCM
- Information that the user provides for statistical purposes and the like, in connection with assessments, reviews, and other posts on NSCCM, although the user is not obliged to answer such
- Information about the user's visit to NSCCM, including, but not limited to, traffic data, location data, and other communication data.


What is the collected information used for?

- To complete payment in connection with purchases and to verify that the provided payment information is valid
- To ensure that the content on is presented in the most effective way for the user
- To provide the user with the offers, news, information, products, or services that the user requests, or which NSCCM believes may interest the respective user, where the user has consented to be contacted for such purposes
- To conduct surveys to improve the user's interaction with NSCCM
- To provide the user with an overview of billing information and the like
- To communicate with the user about their subscription, account, purchases, etc.
- To notify the user of changes in NSCCM's service.


IP Addresses
NSCCM may collect information about the user's computer, including possibly the user's IP address, operating system, and browser type, for system administration and to report relevant information to NSCCM's instructors and partners. These are statistical information used to clarify users' actions and patterns and are not intended to identify an individual.


To ensure that the user receives the most relevant information and the best service when visiting, information and data can be collected using cookies. This helps NSCCM and its partners to provide the user with a good experience, among other things so that the user easily finds what they are looking for.


What are cookies?
Cookies are small pieces of data sent to the user's browser from a web server and stored on the user's computer, so NSCCM can recognize the user's computer. Another type of cookies is session cookies. These cookies are only temporarily attached to the user's computer when they visit but disappear again when the user closes the page. This means that this type of cookies does not store permanently on the user's computer. Most companies use cookies on their websites to improve usability and cookies cannot damage the user's files or other. Cookies can also not increase the risk of viruses and the like on the user's computer.


What are cookies used for?
NSCCM and its partners use the user's non-personal information from cookies to increase usability, among other things.

The use may include the following:

- To allow the user to convert their information on the entire, so the user does not have to enter the same information more than once
- To help NSCCM recognize the user when they return to
- To give the user access to stored information
- To ensure that the user is not asked to, for example, fill out a questionnaire several times
- The non-personal information from cookies can also be used for the following, including statistical, purposes:
- To determine the popularity of the various pages on
- To monitor users' frequency and time on
- To determine how often is visited and used
- To conduct surveys and research to improve users' interaction with the service.


Third-Party Cookies from Google Analytics
NSCCM uses Google Analytics to analyze how users use The cookies collect information about traffic data, including the user's IP address. This information is stored on Google's servers. From Google Analytics, NSCCM receives reports on the activity on and other services related to the activity on Google Analytics may pass the information on to third parties if required by law, or if third parties process the information on behalf of Google Analytics.


Google Analytics sets two types of cookies: A permanent cookie, which shows whether the user is returning, where the user comes from, which search engine was used, etc. Permanent cookies are stored on the user's hard disk until they expire or until the user deletes them themselves.

Session cookies, which are used to show when and how long a user is on the site. Session cookies expire after each session, i.e., when the user closes a tab or browser. Google Analytics does not correlate the user's IP address with other information that Google Analytics has.


Can cookies be opted out?
The computer's browser can be set to inform when a cookie is received. This way, the user has the opportunity to accept or reject a cookie. The computer can also be set to reject all cookies. If the reception of cookies is deactivated on the computer, will not function optimally.


Where are the user's personal information stored?
By submitting personal information, the user agrees to this transfer, storage, or processing. NSCCM will take all reasonable precautions to ensure that the user's information is treated securely and in accordance with this confidentiality policy and the legislation in general.


All information NSCCM receives is stored on a secure server and all payment transactions are encrypted. The transfer of information via the internet is never completely secure. Therefore, NSCCM cannot guarantee the security of the user's information and cannot take responsibility for unauthorized access to the information or misuse of the information. Any disclosure of information to is at your own risk. Once NSCCM has received the user's information, NSCCM will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorized access.


Who can get the information disclosed?
NSCCM may disclose the user's personal information to all NSCCM group-affiliated companies in accordance with this confidentiality policy.


The user's personal information may be disclosed to third parties in the following cases:

- If NSCCM sells or buys a business or assets, in which case NSCCM may disclose the user's personal information to the potential seller or buyer of such a business or assets
- If NSCCM or substantially all of its assets are acquired by a third party, and where the personal information collected by NSCCM constitutes one of the transferred assets
- If NSCCM is obliged to disclose or share the user's personal information to comply with a legal obligation, or to enforce or apply NSCCM's General Terms and Conditions. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organizations for the purpose of protection against fraud and the like
- NSCCM may also disclose personal information to third parties to perform services on behalf of NSCCM. For example, in connection with infrastructure and IT services, the process around credit and payment card transactions, in connection with customer service, collection of overdue invoices, to analyze and improve data and processes, and in connection with customer surveys. Third parties in this context are not entitled to use or disclose personal information for any purpose other than to perform the above work tasks.


User Rights
The user has the right to ask NSCCM not to process their personal information for marketing purposes. NSCCM will normally ask the user for consent if NSCCM intends to use the user's personal information for such purposes, or if NSCCM intends to disclose the user's information to any third party for such purposes. The user can exercise their right to prevent such processing by marking certain fields on the forms NSCCM uses to collect personal information. The user can also exercise the right at any time by contacting NSCCM.


NSCCM may, from time to time, contain links to and from websites in NSCCM's partner network, advertisers, and other partners. If the user follows a link to any of these websites, NSCCM must emphasize that these websites have their own privacy policies and that NSCCM does not assume any responsibility or liability for these policies.


Access to which information is collected
The user has the right to access information collected about them. The user has the right to know what personal information NSCCM has about the user and to correct any errors in the information. If NSCCM processes personal information about the user, the user will be given information about:

- What information is processed
- The source from which they were collected
- Why the processing takes place
- To which recipients or groups of recipients of information are disclosed.

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